Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Today was my first day of prac teaching. I have a year 5/6 class and even though we don't have an IWB the class is still very technological in other aspects. Today i was introduced to a device called Activexpression. Above is a picture of it. It is basically used for testing students. In my class it randomly generates 101 multiple choice questions for the students to answer in 12 minutes. At first i thought it seemed like overcomplicating maths times-tables but the purpose of using the device is not so much about the students enjoying it but more about the data it collect for the teacher. On the teachers computer screen she can see what question each student is that, how many questions have been answering right or wrong and on completion there if even more information avaliable such as average time spent per question for a student as well as the time taken to complete all the questions. It is a really good tool for tracking students progress in key abilities such as addition, subtraction and multiplication. There is more information about this device at

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